The First Few Months of College

College is a momentous time that comes with tremendous freedom. At the same time, it’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed by roommates and dormmates, or even lonely once the initial excitement wears off. Here are strategies to support you academically, physically, socially, and emotionally. The Basics: Remember to keep healthy habits Work out regularly: Go to the gym, take a yoga or dance class, or join an intramural sports team. You’ll meet people and get those endorphins going. Sleep: Make sure you’re getting consistent hours of sleep each night. Do you ever regret waking up after a good night’s sleep? Eat/drink well: Get plenty of fruits and vegetables, and drink enough water each day. It matters. Take care of yourself emotionally Limit social media/screen time: Focus on living in the present and having live conversations. Overwhelming research shows that too much screen time is linked to feelings of social

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Dealing with Rejection

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell.  Admissions decisions for selective colleges will be released in the next few weeks. We hope that you receive good news! Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of high school students who applied to very selective colleges —90% or more—are going to get the dreaded rejection.  “We regret to inform you that your application for admission has been rejected by our admissions committee…”  “We are writing you to inform you that, unfortunately, we are not able to offer you admission to our University…”  “The Admissions Committee has carefully reviewed your application to [insert the name of your dream college]. After thoughtful consideration, we regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a place in the Class

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